Strapping Machines - Strapack D-53PLT2 and D-53PLT2B Strapping Machine
Boatman Marking carries both D-53PLT2 and D-53PLT2B Strapack machines. The D-53PLT2 portable pallet strapper is designed to economically and quickly strap most kinds of pallets and skids using standard or heavier polypropylene strapping. Both models can cut the time it takes to strap pallets up to by 2/3 when compared to hand tools. The D-53PLT2B machine carries the same features as the PLT2 but is conveniently battery operated instead of cord operated. These pallet strapping machines can operate in a manual and auto tension mode for your specific packaging needs. Boatman Marking has a full line of Strapack strapping machines and strapping equipment to fit your individual packaging needs.
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